dijous, 9 de juny del 2016


A day in London

Before going to London, the children of year 5 have some gifts for us, bracelets and some chocolates. A nice way to begin our day.

At the station, waiting for our train.

The train wasn't the right one, so we take the bus to arrive at Trafalgar Square. An adventure for us. Lovely trip!

Phoning at home...

What time is it? 

At Saint James Park.

Enjoying the surprise: M&M's world, sweet's paradise.

Piccadilly Circus, where are the punks?

Finally, some shopping at Hamley's store.

Some energy before following the tour.

Checking some toys after shopping.

A rest in Hyde Park before taking the train to Chiddingstone again.

 We are crushed!

It has been a gorgeous day!

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